Time is zoooooooming mite....
X'mas is just round the corner!!!
Met up with the FJC peeps at Swenson. Our intention is to take photos in Orchard with the Christmas Decor.
Hee...But I stoopidly left the camera in my car leh...so no photos. Keke.
Anywayz, we were literally making a joke out of it lor. We took all the nonsense photos...and not so much of the decor! Nevertheless...it was funny....Hahaha..wait till you see the photos...
Well...these few days had been busy, and stressed with work.
If I hit my quota tomorrow..I can go HK in peace!!
Oh BTW if you guys still dunno...Me is going HK this Sat!!
I am feaking excited about it...Cuz it's the first time I'm going HK. Although it's gonna be cold and not so much shopping...I believe I will super enjoy myself cuz I'm going with dar dar and the FJC peeps!! TWELVE of us all together!!!! Cool!!
Well, will post some hilarious photos of my Bintan Annual Retreat.
Nothing much as it was pouring non stop for the first 2 days I was there. And the never ending meetings....Damn. I totally regretted not bringing my PSP there can....
The only fun part was our Retro Nite Gala Dinner.
I just went around taking photos with everyone!!
Haha. Luckily most of us were quite on...and dressed up for the event.
So it was damn funny can!

We were so hot in the costumes..and my boots were killing me...We decided to go back to the room and change...Kinda looks boring already. Haha
Tommi, Freda and me.

Anyway...still have lots of photos and events. But I too lazy to post liao.